BeGreat Podcast

West High School "Identity and Ego"

Chris Cook/ West High School football Season 5 Episode 2

It's amazing where life takes you when you allow it! Finally, ten years after graduating from West High School, I had the opportunity to speak to the football team. 

As I walked to the football field, I had many unforgettable memories, just like the first time I stepped on campus! Being a former west graduate meant the world to be able to come to speak to one of the athletic teams. This speaking event was unlike any other event because I felt at home. I talked to the football team about identity and ego! 

I expressed to the team about not allowing your sport to become your identity and allowing your ego to drive you in life! Then, speaking to them, I told them about my story and how I allowed basketball to become my identity, and how my ego was what drove me in life. As a result, basketball created many demons in my life, such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness. I am still healing from those traits to this day. Healing doesn't have a destination; it is a journey. Whoever is reading this, allow my story to be an example and show how allowing others things, such as material things, can become a dangerous trait to have and can lead to destruction. 

 I will end this by saying you are more than. 

You are more than what you do for a living. You are more than your ego. You are more than what things you allow to become your identity. You are more than what's in your bank account. You are more than what people think of you! You are more than! 

Remember, don't wait to BeGreat. 

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